Welcome to my first full-on Kaleidoscope 2.0 scheme! It's a fairly dark scheme, but I think very usable. If you've got a G3 Powerbook, this is the scheme for you, baby!
This scheme is NOT compatible with Kaleidoscope 1.8.3 or earlier, so upgrade now!
http://www.kaleidoscope.net for the latest version.
And don't forget to register your copy of Kaleidoscope.
Greg and Arlo worked hard to make schemes like this possible, so reward them for their effort!
To make use of Obsidian, you can simply open the Kaleidoscope 2 control panel, and "Select Scheme", or, if you have the Scheme Switching Control Strip Module (SSCSM) installed, you can just double-click the scheme's icon. That Control Strip module is available at: http://www.akamaidesign.com.
To make use of the Desktop Picture included, open your Desktop Pictures control panel and "Select Picture". The image size is 1024x768, because that's the resolution I use. I recommend you scale it to fit your desktop.
This scheme is pretty much free. I encourage you to pass it on to friends and colleagues alike, and install it on any Mac you find! I do ask that this folder be kept intact, though, and that this ReadMe always be included. I also encourage you to send me a postcard, mostly just because I like getting mail, but also so I know that SOMEone out there actually likes this scheme:
Indigo Kelleigh
200 Greenridge Dr. #713
Lake Oswego, OR 97035
http://www.abalonepress.com for my latest address.
I guess that's it for now! Enjoy!
Contacts & Bug Reports: indigo@abalonepress.com
P.S.: I'm working on an Icon Installer for Obsidian, and the next major release will include icons. So fear not!